This Is The Day We Officially Switch Off For Christmas

Wave goodbye to those last dregs of productivity.

Monday 18 December is the day more than half (57%) of employees admit to clocking off from work mentally - meaning productivity across the UK is about to hit the floor. 

A survey of more than 2,000 people found, as Christmas creeps ever closer, employees admit to a whole raft of distractions from their everyday work duties, such as...

Two in five (42%) confess to clocking off to Christmas shop online.

One third (35%) say they’re planning Christmas day.

Almost one in three (30%) plan their Christmas break.

One in six (16%) will indulge in a festive tipple on the job.

Almost one in five (17%) will leave work earlier than usual.

One in 10 (12%) will take a longer lunch.

And a small percentage (4%) confess to calling in sick.

So why are people slacking off? Well, according to the poll from HR analytics company Peakon, one in five (21%) respondents are simply ‘too excited’ to focus.

One third (32%) have too much to plan ahead of Christmas day, 21% admit to feeling ‘burnt-out’ and one fifth (19%) said workplace festivities such as Secret Santa or the office party were to blame.

One in three (32%) agreed it’s simply because business has slowed down and there’s less work to do at this time of year.

Now, where are those cat videos?

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