Election Night Is Proving To Be Too Much For Cardi B (And Lots Of Other Celebs) To Handle

There are a lot of frayed nerves out there.

We’ve still got a while to wait before we find out who will be the next US president, with the result of the 2020 US election still on a knife edge with early polls indicating that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are neck and neck (despite what Trump might think).

It’s all proving to be a bit too much for many of us – celebs included...

Cardi B’s nerves are so fraught that she’s taken to smoking not one, not two, but thee cigarettes simultaneously (don’t try this at home, kids)

Can somebody get James Corden a paper bag?

We really hope Chrissy Teigen is wrong on this occasion...

And the early exit polls are all feeling a little too familiar for Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid...

And her co-host...

We hope Rylan Clark-Neal doesn’t have any plans today...

Ignorance is bliss for Kirstie Allsopp...

And Drag Race star Trixie Mattel is speaking our thoughts...

Millions of votes are still to be counted – and may not be totted up for days to come – and many will be in the key “battleground” states, so hold on to those nerves.

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