25 Intimate And Powerful Birth Photos

These labour, delivery and postpartum photos capture the vulnerability of birth.

Birth photography captures powerfully raw and vulnerable moments. To honour this work, the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers holds an annual contest with judging open to its 1,100-plus members in 51 countries ― as well as a panel of officials.

The IAPBP recently announced the winners of its 10th annual Birth Photography Image Competition, which celebrates excellence in the categories of Labor, Delivery, Postpartum, Birth Details and Fresh 48.

“Despite birth photographers worldwide losing a majority of their work and income in 2020 due to the global pandemic, I am thrilled to be able to feature the talent of our members in our annual image competition,” IAPBP Director Liz Cook said in a press release for the competition. “We are incredibly proud of the entrants of this year’s competition because in spite of all we endured in our community in recent months, this contest represents the resistance birth photographers have to overcome unforeseen challenges.”

Keep scrolling to see this year’s winners and honourable mentions. You can visit the IAPBP website to see all the entries. (Readers should note that the following uncensored photos depict women in the act of childbirth.)

Overall Winner And Members' Choice Best In Category: Postpartum
"Daddy's Girls"
Members' Choice Overall Winner And Best In Category: Delivery
"The Greatest Love In The World"
Best In Category: Birth Details And Members' Choice Best In Category: Delivery
"The Origin Of Life"
Best In Category: Labor
"Reach Down. He's Almost Here."
Best In Category: Fresh 48
Best In Category: Postpartum
"My Body, My Birth"
Members' Choice Best In Category: Delivery
Members' Choice Best In Category: Fresh 48
"Nursing A Newborn"
Members' Choice Best In Category: Labor
"Primal Shapes Of Birth"
Honorable Mention
"Welcome Little Woman"
Honorable Mention
"Examining Every Detail"
Honorable Mention
"Silent Night"
Honorable Mention
"Birthing Queen"
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
"The Strength Within You Is Greater Than Any Storm"
Honorable Mention
"You And You And Me"
Honorable Mention
"Of All Our Travels, This Journey Will Be Our Greatest"
Honorable Mention
"Home Birth In A Pandemic"
Honorable Mention
"This Moment 2020"
Honorable Mention
"A Dose Of Mother Nature"
Honorable Mention
"The Miracle Of Life In Your Hands"
Honorable Mention
"Erupting Into Being"
Honorable Mention
"The Journey Traveled For You"
Honorable Mention
"A Mother's Guidance"
Honorable Mention
"When Time Stands Still"

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