1) How hard can blogging be? I'm going to make this look easy.
2) Why is blogging so hard? I can't think of any other adjective aside from 'amazing'. It's amazingly difficult.
3) A moment of inspiration! This blog is the best blog ever written. I'm going viral. I'm going to be in the Daily Mail. Probably tomorrow.
4) Three views in two days? And two were me. Why don't people appreciate my wordsmithery. Why?
5) I hate blogging.
6) AN EMAIL! I love blogging. It's time to hand my notice in. The deals are coming thick and fast.
7) What? No, I won't pay to promote your casino, thanks.
8) Her blog is prettier than mine. I hate my blog. It's so ugly.
9) I wish I hadn't downloaded this new Wordpress theme. Help.
10) Ok, forget the blog, on to social media! I'm basically a social media consultant. Or is it influencer?
11) Let me download Snapchat.
12) I just snap-chatted myself as a loaf of bread. What now? What is life?
13) I'm too old for Snapchat. Where's my Facebook account?
14) If my Mum is the first person on Facebook to like my blog post one more time....
14) I'm going to get myself involved in a Twitter chat! Make myself some friends. Get myself some followers.
15) An hour has passed. I've largely lied about places I've never been. But look, a new follower.
16) I'm just going to focus on Instagram. People like us there. People say 'nice' a lot on there. That's nice, right?
17) Wait. Who are these people? Who is crj981072837491093? Why are they all naked ladies?
18) I thought they were real friends.
19) Back to blogging. I met a new person today and they called me 'the girl with the travel blog'. Am I embarrassed? Or proud?
20) Oh wait, they are genuinely interested. Just look at me! Little interesting me.
21) I think I'm proud. Yes, I am proud. I am a blogger! I'm going to brag about my free bottle of mosquito repellent.
22) And my 5% discount off a passport holder.
23) I love this little corner of the internet that I've made.
24) Oh blogging, how I love thee.
25) Blogging is weird, hard and frustrating. There's no rules here, no guidelines to follow. But it's also fun, always surprising and never dull. Hurray for all bloggers out there!
Read more at Twins That Travel