27 More Areas Could Face Fracking As New Oil And Gas Licences Awarded

27 More Areas Could Face Fracking As New Oil And Gas Licences Awarded

More than two dozen new areas in northern England and the Midlands could face fracking after new licences were awarded for oil and gas exploration.

Some 27 areas, including near Nottingham, Sheffield, Lincoln and Preston, have been awarded to companies to explore for oil and gas as the Government seeks to push forward with a shale industry in the UK.

A further 132 areas, including parts of the West Country and the south coast as well the North East and North West, are set to be awarded subject to further environmental assessment and conditions to protect wildlife and habitats.

Energy minister Lord Bourne said: "As part of our long-term plan to build a more resilient economy, create jobs and deliver secure energy supplies, we continue to back our onshore oil and gas industry and the safe development of shale gas in the UK.

"This is why the OGA (Oil and Gas Authority) has moved quickly to confirm the winners of licence blocks which do not need further environmental assessment.

"Keeping the lights on and powering the economy is not negotiable, and these industries will play a key part in providing secure and reliable energy to UK homes and businesses for decades to come."

But Greenpeace said the announcement had fired the starting gun for the "fight for the future of our countryside".

Spokeswoman Daisy Sands said: "Hundreds of battles will spring up to defend our rural landscapes from the pollution, noise and drilling rigs that come with fracking.

"The Government is backing the destructive fracking industry with tax breaks and by stifling local opposition.

"It seems clear that the Government is responding to the vigorous lobbying from the fracking companies by ignoring both the economic and environmental evidence that clean, renewable energy is a far better bet for investment and the planet."