29 Years Jail For Man Who Killed Ex-Girlfriend And Baby - Then Announced It On Facebook

29 Years Jail For Man Who Killed Ex-Girlfriend And Baby - Then Announced It On Facebook
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A man strangled his ex-partner and her baby son before using text messages and Facebook to announce what he had done.

Wesley Williams has been jailed for life with a minimum of 29 years for the horrific crime. He used a ligature to carry out the 'chilling, casual and calculated' killings of Yvonne and Harrison Walsh, who were found dead in their beds in June.

He then posted on Facebook: "Sometimes we just have to do things we shouldn't." Jailing Williams for life at Birmingham Crown Court, Mr Justice MacDuff described the 29-year-old cannabis user as being 'clearly evil and dangerous beyond measure'.

Williams strangled Yvonne, 25, and her seven-month-old baby while another woman he had broken up with, Rebecca Shuttleworth, was standing trial at the same court for the murder of her own two-year-old son.

Details of Williams' previous relationship with Shuttleworth, who was jailed for life in June for killing Keanu Williams, could not be reported by the media until now, when a court order was lifted by the judge.

Williams, a violent offender with a string of previous convictions, is thought to have killed Yvonne out of anger after she ended their relationship as he had planned to propose to her.

Before his arrest at a flat in Oldbury, West Midlands, on June 2, Williams sent a text message to police, informing officers that he had killed his girlfriend, who was upstairs in a bedroom.

In the hours before he was apprehended, the killer was also captured on CCTV doing 'high-fives"' with a friend in a fast-food outlet.

Williams, who pleaded guilty to murder last week, was told he had killed two completely innocent and defenceless people for a reason which no-one of sound mind would understand.

Mr Justice MacDuff told a completely impassive Williams: "Your subsequent behaviour demonstrates how unconcerned you were at what you had done.

"You used texts and Facebook to announce what you had done and you texted a police officer.

"You posted messages on Yvonne's Facebook about it and you behaved in a totally relaxed way, apparently enjoying the next two or so days in the company of friends before you were arrested, behaving normally as though nothing had happened, as though this was a mere trifle.

"You made no attempt to conceal your wrongdoing. This was chilling, casual, calculated killing. You are clearly evil and dangerous beyond measure.

"You are the only person who knows precisely why you acted as you did, but it is clear that you could not accept being rejected by Yvonne Walsh when you were proposing or intending to propose marriage, and she wanted no further part in a relationship with you.

"And you decided to kill her - in fact to execute her. It was your decision, casually taken, that she had to die. And then you killed Harrison as well, probably as he lay sleeping in his cot."