Forty Percent of All Women Suffer From Some Degree of Hair Loss

Make sure your diet contains lots of protein to keep your hair in tip-top condition. The amino acids in protein help cell regeneration and growth, which is important when it comes to giving your hair a helping hand.

'40% of all women suffer from some degree of hair loss for a variety of reasons' says one of the worlds leading hair experts and surgeons Dr. Bessam Farjo. 'The percentage is clearly higher after the menopause' adds Dr. Farjo.

With thousands of women in the UK and worldwide now concerned at experiencing 'thinning hair' Dr. Bessam Farjo shares 6 useful tips for women, including myself that have been affected.

  • Make sure your diet contains lots of protein to keep your hair in tip-top condition. The amino acids in protein help cell regeneration and growth, which is important when it comes to giving your hair a helping hand.
  • Investing in a good quality shampoo and conditioner will help your hair keep its natural defences strong, protecting it from harsh weather conditions. It's also worth having an intensive conditioning masque once a week to really boost its strength.
  • If your scalp feels dry, it could be a side effect of the cold weather. Try a scalp massage with vitamin E, olive or coconut oil before a shower to replenish your natural scalp oils. It will have the added benefit of moisturising the hair, too.
  • Visit your hairdresser - and often! Regular trims will keep hair looking and feeling its best by removing any split ends.
  • Try to avoid over-colouring your hair. It makes the hair more porous which allows moisture to escape more easily, leading to dry, brittle and damaged hair.
  • Don't overheat. There's nothing nicer than a long, hot shower, but this can actually be detrimental to your hair's health. It's best to wash hair with warm or cool water instead of water that's steaming hot, to prevent heat damage.
  • Finally, lay off the styling products. Excessive heat is the last thing your hair needs when it's already under stress from the weather. Try and let your hair air dry at least once a week and save the straighteners and curling tongs for special occasions.

Dr Bessam Farjo is a world leading hair transplant surgeon who co-founded the Farjo Medical Centre in Manchester and London exclusively practicing hair restoration surgery and medicine.