5 Sneaky Signs Your Hormones Are Imbalanced, And What To Do About It

Our hormones can impact all areas of our health.
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Sometimes, the things that we put down to ageing and stress, such as issues with memory and fatigue, can actually indicate hormone imbalances.

HuffPost UK spoke with Mike Kocsis from Balance My Hormones. to learn more about the sneaky signs of hormone imbalances, and what you can do to tackle them.

Five sneaky signs of hormone imbalances

Frequent memory issues

Of course, we can all be forgetful on occasion, especially with busy lives and homes to manage. However, Kocsis urges that if you’re noticing that you’re forgetting things more often, this could be a sign that something is off.

Kocsis said: “It is thought that low testosterone levels can cause forgetfulness or make your memory worse. Although testosterone is the main androgen in males, it is also found in females too and if your levels fall below the normal range, you can experience a decline in cognitive abilities, specifically memory.”

As for increasing testosterone levels, Kocsis recommends establishing a solid exercise routine, maintaining a balanced diet and sleeping well.

Feeling more tired than usual

As adults, there’s nothing we like to complain about more than being tired but Kocsis warns that if you’re feeling more tired than usual and struggling to concentrate, this could be down to your hormones.

Like memory issues, feeling more fatigued than usual is a sign that your testosterone levels have fallen below the normal range. “If you’re struggling with fatigue then firstly make sure you’re having a quality night’s sleep. Don’t use your phone before bed and make sure your room is at a comfortable temperature.

“If this doesn’t help then although it may feel counterintuitive while you’re tired, doing a light workout such as yoga or low-intensity Pilates can go a long way to making you feel more alert.”

Experiencing high levels of stress

Kocsis said that too much “exposure” to stress and chronic stress sufferers are at risk of imbalanced cortisol production which can lead to a multitude of health issues. 

“Cortisol is often referred to as the “stress hormone” as it plays a vital role in the brain’s stress response”, Kocsis explained.

“Not only that but cortisol is needed to help control your blood pressure and reduce inflammation. If your body produces too much, say when you’re overly stressed, then you’re at risk of developing conditions such as anxiety and depression.

While stressful situations can be out of our hands, there are ways to help keep calm.

Kocsis said: “Practising mindfulness and meditation, exercising regularly and making sure you have a good night’s sleep are great ways to balance your cortisol levels.

“If you lead a healthy lifestyle but still find yourself struggling, then you should visit a doctor as it could be a sign of an underlying issue.”

Increased thirst or hunger

If you’ve noticed you’re drinking more water than usual but still seem to feel thirsty, Kocsis urges that this could be a sign that your body isn’t making enough antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which helps your body retain a healthy amount of water.

To determine if this is the case, you will simply need to visit a doctor who will offer you a blood test to check your ADH levels.

If you have periods, then it’s worth tracking your cycle to assess whether it’s a hormone imbalance or just to do with your menstrual cycle. Kocsis explained “both oestrogen and progesterone affect the amount of water in your body, so when these levels naturally change at the start of your period then you may find yourself more thirsty than usual.” 

Facial or body hair growth in females

It’s totally normal for females to produce hair. However, if you notice you’re growing hair in places you didn’t usually, for example around your face, nipples, stomach etc, or hair is thicker and grows faster than before then this could be a sign that your body is producing too much testosterone. 

Kocsis added: “This could also be a sign of an underlying condition, Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) which affects how the ovaries work and is thought to be caused by hormone issues.

“This is a really common condition, affecting one in ten women in the UK, so if you do suspect you’re suffering with this then it’s worth visiting a doctor who can advise.”

How to balance your hormones

Kocsis said: “Ensuring you are getting enough protein in your diet is a natural and easy way to balance your hormones.

“This isn’t just meat and fish but also pulses and lentils too.”

You should also try and maintain a solid exercise routine, even if it’s low intensity. Kocsis also suggests trying stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness as they can go ‘a long way’ in managing hormones.

In some circumstances you may need extra support, so speak to your GP if you’re concerned.