5 Things I Hated and 5 Things I Loved About Breastfeeding

I continued feeding her for 19 months and 2 weeks, I can tell you that on day 2, when my nipples started bleeding and I fed her in absolute agony, I would never have believed that would happen. I had a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding and here's why.

My daughter was born at the end of 2014, she was born with tongue-tie, which meant breastfeeding started off very badly. However after having her tongue-tie clipped (twice!), I continued feeding her for 19 months and 2 weeks, I can tell you that on day 2, when my nipples started bleeding and I fed her in absolute agony, I would never have believed that would happen. I had a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding and here's why:

5 Things I Hated About Breastfeeding:

1.Tongue-tie bloody tongue-tie -, it was so painful and stressful, it ruined the first month with my baby. It's simply a nightmare and I'd recommend getting it fixed ASAP if it happens to your baby. I wrote the story here

2.The time it takes at the beginning, especially if you have a "comfort" feeder, you can basically spend your life feeding. Newborns love boobs and so you better get used to your sofa and using one hand. Don't even get me started on growth spurts...

3.The fact that you're basically the only person, who can feed your baby and the stress this implies if you leave them too long. Because of the tongue tie A had a bottle every day for the first 3 weeks but then I made the mistake of stopping and she wouldn't drink from a bottle for the next 10 months! Once I left her for a few hours and my mum had to spoon feed her milk!

4.You have to wear tops that can be opened or lifted up AT ALL TIMES. Goodbye good old bodycon dresses that obviously you used to wear on a regular basis!

5.It ruined my boobs, I lost 3 cup sizes, they were "my thing", I no longer have "a thing"

However, as with most things in life, it's not all bad! On the contrary, in my humble opinion and experience, the good outweighs the bad and I have no regrets. There is indeed a silver lining in everything...

5 Things I Loved About Breastfeeding

1.Tongue tie may have been very painful but thanks to my blog post about it, all sorts of opportunities came my including speaking about it on national TV.

2.I loved the fact, you have to stop and feed (yes you can multitask) but it did stop me from running around like a mad person and made me slow down and share special calm moments with my daughter

3.Breastfeeding was the one thing that would CALM my baby, PUT HER TO SLEEP, comfort her and generally have a magical effect on her. It would have been a hundred times harder to get her to sleep on planes, trains, stop a tantrum and generally calm things down when there was a crisis! Also killed a lot of time during said plane and train rides.

4.She loved it, it made her happy, and it made me happy knowing I was doing something healthy for her (to make up for all the TV and biscuits she's been consuming!)

5.It sure burned a ton of calories over 19 months, yes my boobs are gone but so are quite a few lumps and bumps and for that I will forever be grateful.