50 Unusual Baby Names Parents Chose 100 Years Ago

Parents weren't afraid to get creative a century ago.
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The Social Security Administration has been tracking American parents’ baby name choices for more than a century. In fact, the agency’s published naming data goes back to 1880.

Although it’s always interesting to look at the top names in history, there are also some intriguing choices lower down on the popularity list. Knowing the SSA tracks all the names given to five or more infants born each year, we took a look at the less common choices 100 years ago. 

From dictionary words to terms of endearment, here are 50 unusual baby names that parents chose in 1923. The list reflects names given to fewer than 10 babies born 100 years ago. 


  1. Clemma
  2. Peaches
  3. Evergreen
  4. Splendora
  5. Oval
  6. Curly
  7. Haroldine
  8. Canary
  9. Valjean
  10. Doll
  11. Hixie
  12. Glenola
  13. Pebble
  14. Virgin
  15. Leafy
  16. Maclovia
  17. Corona
  18. Novice
  19. Brunette
  20. Argentina
  21. Coma
  22. Berdean
  23. Toy
  24. Anise
  25. Nanny


  1. Jolly
  2. Lieutenant
  3. Everest
  4. Choice
  5. Brutus
  6. Craven
  7. Bilbo
  8. Grove
  9. Lazarus
  10. Rome
  11. Garden
  12. Maywood
  13. York
  14. Jock
  15. Stillman
  16. Omega
  17. Benford
  18. Lenzy
  19. Knowlton
  20. Chesterfield
  21. Wise
  22. Press
  23. Smiley
  24. Polo
  25. Clover
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