6 People Share The WTF Moments They Had After Moving In With A Partner

"She turned around and said 'what the f**k are you doing?'"
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As anybody who has ever moved in with a close friend will tell you, you never really know somebody until you live with them.

This is doubly-true for partners. Suddenly, there is nowhere to hide. You can’t hold in farts for the rest of your life, your guilty pleasure awful food combos are now out in the open and your strange behaviours? Well, there’s only so much you can hide them really.

As most of us know, these things ultimately endear us more to our partners. Yes, they’re weirdos but they’re our weirdos.

With this in mind, Reddit users got together to admit their own domestic chaos in answer to the question: “What was your ‘wtf are you doing?!’ moment after moving in with a partner?”


DavdavUltra commented with an absolute corker, saying: “In my parents house we always used to change the duvet sheets by one person getting inside of the new sheet inside out and the other person passes the two corners of the duvet to you and then you turn it right way round over the duvet. Yaknow to make sure it is in all the corners.”

... No, I don’t know. 

They continued: “So while my partner was doing the pillows I put the fresh duvet cover on top of me and shouted ‘Im ready’. She turned around and said what the fuck are you doing?”

Truly losing my mind at the thought of this duvet ghost declaring “I’m ready!” to their unsuspecting partner.

DundeeDude delivered a short horror story saying: “They made a cup of tea... oddly: Milk-> teabag-> water-> sugar.”

Milk. Then. Teabag.

TryNo8062 gave a weird but wholesome response, saying: “Saw him fold his dirty shirt before putting it in the laundry basket.”

I don’t know, I think this is sweet. Green flag, in my opinion.

Another sweet answer came from scarygirth (OK) who said: “She still sleeps cuddled up with one of her dad’s old tshirts like she would as a kid. It’s bloody adorable.”


Welsh_dresser said: “When he couldn’t fit any more rubbish in the kitchen bin, so threw it on the floor next to the bin.”

I wouldn’t even accept that from a toddler, TBH. Yuck.

Finally, and most upsettingly, BungedItIn revealed: “When she moved in I found a butter knife in the downstairs and upstairs toilet….. for her very strong poos when she’s on protein time.”

I didn’t need my appetite anyway, it’s fine.


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