Before you become a pet owner, you may wonder why people are quite so besotted by their pets. Then you have a pet and suddenly you ‘get’ it: the way a pet will wiggle its way into your heart and your home so you simply can’t imagine life without your faithful and funny companion.
Here are a few other things you discover as a pet owner.
Dogs are the best personal trainers
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Pets help your mental health too
MSD Animal Health
Dogs help you make friends
AzmanL via Getty Images
Pets make you feel happy - and laugh a lot
real444 via Getty Images
Pets can improve your immune system and stop children from developing allergies
MSD Animal Health
Pets make a home
MSD Animal Health
Keep your pets happy and healthy by keeping up to date on health checks and immunisations. You can find information on vaccinations for all pets at MSD Animal Health.