Before you become a pet owner, you may wonder why people are quite so besotted by their pets. Then you have a pet and suddenly you ‘get’ it: the way a pet will wiggle its way into your heart and your home so you simply can’t imagine life without your faithful and funny companion.
Here are a few other things you discover as a pet owner.
Dogs are the best personal trainers
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Whatever the weather, however bad your hangover, however much work you have, as a responsible owner you simply have to give your dog a daily walk. Just striding out for 45 minutes in the morning, or running around the park for an hour in the evening can lift your mood, energy levels and general fitness. Having a pet, particularly a dog, is associated with a decreased risk of heart disease, according to a review of studies by the American Heart Association.
Pets help your mental health too
MSD Animal Health
The simple act of stroking your pet, feeling your cat’s rhythmic purring or your dog’s soft ears, is soothing, lowering your blood pressure and stress levels and improving your mood. Caring for another living being and receiving uncomplicated and unconditional love in return increases your feelings of wellbeing - especially if you are lonely, bereaved or depressed.
Dogs help you make friends
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A recent survey found that 29% of dog owners have made close friends through walking their dogs. Any nervous new owner of a puppy who’s been welcomed into the local dog community will know just how powerful pet ownership is as a social lubricant. If you’re in the park every day, it’s amazing how quickly you can move from friendly greetings and small talk to becoming besties with a fellow dog walker. As it’s estimated that 40% of people in the UK own a pet, that’s a huge database of potential friends, even perhaps a lead to a new romance.
Pets make you feel happy - and laugh a lot
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If you’ve ever arrived home to be greeted by a licking, loving, bouncing dog or a purring cat winding between your legs, then you’ll know the pure joy of giving and receiving love from a pet. As well as always being pleased to see you, your pet is the perfect sounding board for a stream of consciousness you’d be embarrassed for anyone else to hear. As well as snuggling on the sofa and listening to you download about your day without judgement, pets make you laugh - a lot. Whether it’s a funny facial expression, hilariously let-it-all hang out position, sudden boisterous burst of energy or determination to win the toy away from you, owning and playing with a pet is a great way to let your worries fade away and enjoy living in the moment.
Pets can improve your immune system and stop children from developing allergies
MSD Animal Health
Pets spend a lot of their time outside so they bring some dirt and germs into your home. That’s no bad thing as the additional germs can help improve your immunity to colds and other mild illnesses. In fact, babies who live with a cat or dog have been shown to experience fewer infections and are generally healthier than those who don’t.
As a responsible and loving pet owner, you should return the favour by keeping your pet healthy and happy. Prevention is always better than cure, so take your pet for regular health checks and speak to your vet to ensure you keep vaccinations and parasite control up to date.
As a responsible and loving pet owner, you should return the favour by keeping your pet healthy and happy. Prevention is always better than cure, so take your pet for regular health checks and speak to your vet to ensure you keep vaccinations and parasite control up to date.
Pets make a home
MSD Animal Health
Before you decided to go for it and get a pet, you probably spent considerable time pondering all the pros and cons and whether you could adapt your lifestyle to the responsibility, obligation and costs. But once you’re a devoted pet owner, somehow all those entirely sensible hesitations evaporate, so much so that picking up poo in plastic bags is a tiny price to pay for having a cuddly, funny, non-judgy, four-legged friend embedded in your life and home.
Keep your pets happy and healthy by keeping up to date on health checks and immunisations. You can find information on vaccinations for all pets at MSD Animal Health.