Seven Signs Which Indicate That It's Time to Emigrate

Do you have this feeling that you are no longer motivated to participate in activities in your surrounding? Maybe your business also does not proceed. This could be because you're not at your right living place.

Do you have this feeling that you are no longer motivated to participate in activities in your surrounding? Maybe your business also does not proceed. This could be because you're not at your right living place.

If you really want your business to evolve, then it is helpful to be at your favourite soul place.

When you realize that it's time to migrate

When the time comes actually to emigrate, you might recognize yourself in some of these points again:

1. Perhaps for a longer time you feel without power and not energized. You are not socially interested and centered. People around you are either too fast, too shallow or too traditional. You are not in the mood to open up emotionally. No matter what you do, in your free time or in your job, your energy decreases steadily, and it starts to hurt.

2. The weather doesn´t suit you. The sky is constantly cloudy. It's too cold, or too hot. You simply can´t bear any longer the rain and the grey skies, while you know perfectly well that in other countries right now the sun is shining and the atmosphere inspires you more.

3. The mentality of the country you live in, makes you feel restless. You feel locked up. Others point out the importance of safety and order, while you are longing for more chaos and disorder, because your creative mind feels more comfortable in it. Everything is conducted, but not really solved.

4. Day and night you dream about your new life. Even if you don´t have any concrete idea about how to manage your near future and where the new location might be. Perhaps right now you have little money but want to emigrate.

5. You are living in your home country, but you have never felt at home. You can´t explain why you are searching so much for the right place to live in, and no one in your family has the same need as you. It´s not because you are on the run, but because your soul tells you again: "Sweetheart, we are not at the right place."

6. If you're a water person and live in the forest, you probably feel imprisoned by the landscape, because you always see the same thing: steppe, mountain or the deepest forest, but you want the sea. Where is the horizon? You want to see the hot healing sun that sparkles and dances on the water.

7. You live in your native country, speak your mother tongue and yet your heart knows that it needs a more international environment.

The reason is: You do not live where you should live.

If you're not in your right place to live, you're not 100% in your strength. I describe the right living place as your favorite soul place. This is the place where your soul feels at home and you unfold your potential, fulfillment and sensuality.

When I moved to Greece 7 years ago, I discovered my true calling and creativity a new. Nature is so inspiring and this is much more supportive to my business.

5 tips on how you best begin your new life:

1. If you know your new location, take your laptop, go to and start to look for what the new site can offer you. Get informed yourself at the embassies and see about employment procedures or business in general. Everywhere there are Facebook groups or spiritual groups, real life social or business events where you can meet like-minded people.

2. Visualize your place. Imagine your new life with all your senses, the smell, the color, the landscape, the food, the wind in your hair. Create a picture. What is really important to you in daily life? Two important criteria for me are the sun and the sea. It may be the language or mentality for you. A trip will help you make a decision.

3. If you have small financial resources: Make a plan. Perhaps you have a chance to stay at a friends´ place? There are organizations like, where you can participate in projects and live for free on a farm or in a family. You can rent a cheap apartment and find a part-time job or you can focus directly on your true calling. Search for beneficial cooperation and institutions.

4. Do not persevere. No matter what others say around you, like migration is too difficult, you're too old, you will not make money, it's too dangerous ... listen to your inner voice! It's your life and you decide where you spend it.

5. Live right now as if you have already emigrated. Connect with people who inspire you. Be and stay curious. Do increasingly more of what makes you happy and less of what doesn´t fill you with pleasure. Discover yourself new self.

The best feeling is joy! Anticipation! You are looking forward to the unknown. Isn´t it wonderful? You start a new life! Once you have decided, you will meet many like-minded people who also have dared to take this step, even from your country, and get to know many more people. And above all: Enjoy the power of your new soul map. Congratulations!

Do you love the place where you live? Is it what you need?

If this question is a burning vital issue for you, then

• I invite you to a personal Astro coaching hour

• or visit my service such as text analysis like soul mapping, seminar or Webinar

Heartful greetings,
