A Johnson Family Feud?

Yesterday's article in the Guardian by Jo Johnson makes interesting festive reading. Boris' younger brother makes a strong case for the importance of the City of London to the rest of Europe, and doesn't hold any punches on what he thinks David Cameron should do.

Yesterday's article in the Guardian by Jo Johnson makes interesting festive reading. Boris' younger brother makes a strong case for the importance of the City of London to the rest of Europe, and doesn't hold any punches on what he thinks David Cameron should do.

"Populist pressure on David Cameron to drape the City in a union flag is counterproductive", the younger Johnson warns. He also strongly makes the point that defending the City is a "critical part of the defence of the the national interest" and a "precious European asset". There is no hiding the fact that Johnson Jr. is pushing the importance of Britain's relationship with the rest of Europe.

What is so interesting is that his comments are so at odds with those of big brother, who himself hasn't held back in his opposition to the level of British involvement in Europe. Boris is naturally outspoken and tends to exaggerate the point but his stance on Europe contrasts strongly with his brother's.

Coming so soon after Christmas - and in a week that it traditionally dead in Westminster - it is hard to think that there is not a hidden agenda behind Jo's comments. There is a whiff of political posturing about his comments, an intentional decision to stand against his brother perhaps.

Mr Johnson was unavailable for comment, but it will be interesting to see if this is truly a family feud or simply political differences. Time will tell.