A new Face to Spirituality

A new Face to Spirituality

I consider myself a spiritual person. I am not a saint. I don't have a 'holier than thou' attitude. Actually I think I am just like anybody, not better not worse, maybe because I think we are all connected, animals too, maybe express differently at times but at our center, our core, our essence, we are all God, spirit, universe, label it as you wish, I say Spirit.

I take issue with those folk who walk around palms together, speak softly, who preach, who consider themselves 'above' everyone else - well because they are 'more' connected, talk to God, or believe they have some special dispensation, a special connection to and from the powers that be that gives them license to tell the rest of us what to do. Truth be told, we all have God, Spirit, the essence of the Universe inside of us. So then what's going on inside of us? Why is that inner action that struggle more dramatic, more comedic than anything we witness outside ourselves most of the time? Why do some of our actions live up to their Godly nature while others seem the product of the Devil? THE WAYSHOWER film brilliantly shows us the answer in larger than life terms up on the big screen.

The lead character is like you and me, an everyman, searching the globe for meaning in his life. He wants answers to the questions: what's it all about? Is this all there is? At the end of the day what matters, what doesn't? He has the courage to journey, to seek out Truth, and it leads him to his Wayshower's hometown in a time travel inner and outer voyage that will leave him forever changed.

The directors, John-Roger and Jsu Garcia, took a novel unique approach and have their lead character go inside himself to see just what's going on with him, and so we the audience 'get it', they externalize his and our inner qualities to portray the conflict that is at the heart of all drama-our inner conflicts, the warring worlds inside of us that only we can settle. Who exactly is in there? Who is running the show that is us? This approach puts it all on the screen so we can easily understand the true conflict we all face is self-discovery, knowing ourselves and reconciling our inner nature.

Dramatizing our internal world lets us explore what drives us. What makes us respond in a high-minded manner or in a trash ourselves or another at all costs? In this case of who is talking we get to see, we go into a 'look whose talking' so we understand not only ourselves but others as well. Physical characters also embody qualities like fear, doubt; what these qualities may look like to us if we could see, touch them, and so we do, the come to life in THE WAYSHOWER. Doubt is a scary Peter Stormare as the Prince of Doubt we all immediately recognize having lived in that kingdom ourselves countless times if not been or are permanent residents.

THE WAYSHOWER is a quest film, a search for meaning beyond the material, a search many of us have embarked on. It entertains with stars like Jsu Garcia, Eric Roberts, Peter Stormare, Sally Kirkland and exotic locations like the Sahara, Machu Picchu, Goblin Valley and Paris but it also enlightens, makes us think, and stays with us as most fast-food movies these days do not.

Carl Jung has said: "who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakes". To quote John-Roger: "the discovery of yourself can be the most exciting and rewarding adventure you could ever take". THE WAYSHOWER is that discovery, is that awakening, is that adventure in a film that jumps off the screen into our hearts, a metaphysical journey made visible and accessible by our filmmakers. An odyssey we all undertake sooner or later. Here with thoughts and inner workings envisioned, seeking the help of another a blessing not a weakness, the suggestion is maybe spirituality is nothing more or less than knowing yourself. Maybe you are that face. Maybe we all are. You can catch preview screenings of THE WAYSHOWER in Paris and London in the coming week. If you want to know yourself, don't miss it.
