One Man A Cappella Cover Of 'The Simpsons' Theme (VIDEO)

WATCH: One Man Cover Of 'The Simpsons' Theme

Yesterday we brought you the video of the world's biggest Phantom of the Opera fan singing a medley of all three leads' songs. Today, we have another one man musical army covering The Simpsons main title theme - and it's just as good.

Sure, the man behind the Simpsons love-in, Nick McKaig, isn't doing several different voices - but he is imitating several different instruments, from saxophones to pianos to drums.

Writing out the orchestration for every single instrument, McKaig eventually sang 30 of them in total, calling the violins "the most fun".

Many of McKaig's fans on YouTube are saying that the creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, should use the clip as the opening for an upcoming show. After all, if Banksy can do it, why can't this random guy on the internet, eh?

Of course, this isn't McKaig's first a cappella interpretation of a popular TV theme tune - just take a look at this handy video gallery below to see him busting out his own version of The Office's titles, Mission: Impossible's theme and many, many more...

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