A Pre Games Look

Whisper it quietly but even those who groan at the prospect of the Olympics will be caught up in its fervour. Pre games excitement led me to go in search and have a look at the Olympic Park, or at least try to.

Whisper it quietly but even those who groan at the prospect of the Olympics will be caught up in its fervour. Pre games excitement led me to go in search and have a look at the Olympic Park, or at least try to. Boarding the train at Canonbury Station, I made my way to Stratford but was surprised to see it so packed on a warm mid afternoon Saturday. Faced with the prospect of waiting a further ten minutes for the next train I took my chances and forced myself on, only to be sandwiched between people I didn't know. At every stop thereafter the tension rose as more people jumped on - only a few jumped off, and when the wheels of a buggy crashed into my stationary foot, I pointed out the fact. The mother eventually understood and repositioned. Travelling to the event - warning number one!

When the train pulled into Stratford, the doors opened to a great wave of relief. Walking through the station, I was met by Olympic signage and the arduous journey soon became a distant memory. Once I surged through the barriers, I saw two people holding up a Sierra Leone placard for arriving athletes which made me feel right in the thick of it. I tried to find the Park but wasn't sure where I was going so retraced my steps and asked an official Olympic person directions. He was holding a giant foam pointing finger - which said, "Park That Way" (picture it). Amazingly he didn't know and said that he'd just been told to hold the sign and... point it. Untrained staff - warning number two!

So I employed a bit of DIY, this time guessing right, making my way correctly towards the Olympic Park and found that you will only be allowed to go so far without a ticket. I didn't have one but I did see a Russian athlete going for a leisurely stroll. Result. I doubled back to the Westfield Shopping Centre where it didn't feel odd seeing soldiers walking around and if they had been scheduled to man the security from the off, no one would bat an eyelid. I felt that an international flavour was definitely in the air which will increase as the games draw near. It will also give us all a lift and be good for the economy, but let's hope that the powers that be, first heed the obvious warnings signs.