Christian Group Lovewise Teaches School Children 'Most Rape Victims Regret Abortion'

'Most Rape Victims Regret Abortion' Charity Teaches School Children

A controversial Christian charity has come under fire for teaching school children around England that abortion can lead to infection, holes in the womb and dramatically increase the risk of depression and suicide.

A sample slide from Lovewise, which conducts hundreds of presentations to secular and faith-based schools each year, claims 93% of rape victims who aborted a foetus regretted it, compared to 70% who had babies with none "regretting it."

Labour's shadow public health minister Diane Abbott MP told The Huffington Post UK that many parents "will find this as disturbing as I do."

"What we’re seeing is silent, right-wing indoctrination in ordinary schools," she said. "These groups are appearing in schools without any record of it happening, accountability or public awareness."

But the charity, which describes homosexuality as "damaging to mind, body and spirit" in its code of practice, told The Huffington Post UK it provides teaching on marriage and keeping sex for marriage in schools that have invited it to speak.

"We live in a pluralistic society which encourages the exchange of views on all matters," Dr Chris Richards, the director said.

"We believe that young people, therefore, have a right to hear and discuss what might be positive about keeping sex for marriage and keeping their unborn child."

The presentations were brought to light by Abbott and Education for Choice, a group which provides evidence-based information to young people on abortion, which said it was concerned about the presence of Lovewise in schools.

According to Education For Choice, Lovewise are said to have given presentations to schools in Bournemouth, Guildford, Hull, Kendal, Newcastle, Sheffield, South Coast, Suffolk, Sussex and Wimbledon.

Set up in 2002, the charity has given 250 presentations in the last academic year and other presentations will have been given by those who have purchased the group's material.

The charity, started in 2002 by Dr Chris Richards and Dr Liz Jones, has also sent schools a promotional document outlining why contraception and safe sex has been a "failure".

"In the unmarried, the use and promotion of contraception will be encouraged to explain something that is wrong and threatens health" the document says.

Lovewise offers a presentation for school children in years 9-13, from age 13-18, about abortion "from a pro-life perspective" to buy from their website for £12.

One review claims it is "an excellent teaching package for use in PSHE, RE and science lessons as well as youth groups.”

Lovewise say their presentations have been written by "two paediatricians, Dr Chris Richards and Dr Liz Jones with input from other health professionals, teachers and parents," and that the information provided is based on strong evidence.

A spokesperson for British Pregnancy Advisory Servie (Bpas), said: "Bpas can clarify that abortion does not cause ‘violent death, suicide, breast cancer, infertility and depression’.

"Abortion is an extremely safe procedure, which carries far fewer risks than carrying a pregnancy to term. Lovewise are giving out medically inaccurate information, potentially to some young women who have or will experience abortion during their lifetime."

Education for Choice said: “We have been working in schools for 20 years and have come across a number of groups which present misinformation about contraception and abortion to satisfy their ideological aims.

"The claim that Lovewise, and other organisations, make that women who have had abortions are twice as likely to get breast cancer, or seven times more likely to commit suicide is not supported by reputable scientific research.

"Attempting to frighten young people in this way and cloud their understanding of contraception, sexual health and their bodies is wrong. We are also concerned that a group which stigmatises homosexuality as ‘damaging to mind, body and spirit’ is invited into schools across the country to talk about sex and relationships to young people."

However Dr Richards gave the Huffington Post a number of studies used to back up their research, including one on the rates of suicide among women who had undergone abortions and another on responses from rape victims on their reaction to their abortions.

A Department for Education spokesperson said: "We want all schools to have high quality sex and relationship education so pupils have the information they need to make the best possible choices. We expect all schools to tackle these topics responsibly, factually, and in an age-appropriate way.

"Schools have a responsibility under law to ensure children are insulated from political activity and campaigning in the classroom. They must present both sides of an argument if they are teaching about controversial issues."