Abu Hamza Tucks Into A Doughnut During Terror Trial In New York

Abu Hamza Tucks Into A Doughnut During Terror Trial

Abu Hamza tucked into a doughnut given to him by the judge at his terrorism trial - before telling her: “Thank you for the cake.”

The hate preacher, whose hook was removed for safety reasons, reportedly ate the treat off of his desk by bending his head down so he could bite it.

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The hate cleric is said to have been handed the doughnut by the court clerk and balanced it between his stumps before putting it on his desk and devouring it.

The clerk offered the donuts to staff and lawyers and there was one left so he asked Hamza: “Would you like another one?” but he declined.

The Mirror was quick to point out that, although Hamza hates the West, he had no problem with Dunkin Donuts, which has the slogan: "America runs on Dunkin."

The paper speculated that, given that he has dining on prison food in the UK or the US since 2004, it could have been the hate cleric's first doughnut in a decade.

The slightly surreal incident came during Hamza’s ongoing terrorism trial in New York.

He denies charges of helping set up a terrorist training camp in Bly, Oregon, and facilitating terrorism in Afghanistan.