#ScrewBlueMonday: Why The 'Unhappiest Day Of The Year' Is A Total Crock, According To Experts

Screw Blue Monday: Why The 'Unhappiest Day Of The Year' Is A Total Crock
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Part of our Say No To January campaign also includes saying no to ridiculous, teeth-gritting things such as Blue Monday, allegedly the unhappiest day of the year for Brits.

Coincidentally, Action For Happiness - the movement for positive social change - agree, and have started a campaign Screw Blue Monday, in partnership with the Happy Startup School.

Mark Williamson, director, said: "Blue Monday is pseudo-science based on an dodgy equation originally created for a Travel company. A review of the scientific literature has shown that low mood, depression and even suicide are no more likely in January than at other times of year.

"The much more important message is that mental health matters for all of us - and there are practical things we can do to make a difference - like staying active, connecting with loved ones, doing things to help others and taking time to be grateful for the good things in our lives."

In a bid to reclaim the day as something positive, Mark is suggesting we start calling it Happy Monday.

"January doesn't need to be depressing," he says.

"Yes the Christmas holidays are over and the weather may not be great, but our happiness doesn't have to suffer as a result. January is the start of a new year of possibility and a chance to look forward with optimism to the year ahead. We're repositioning Blue Monday as Happy Monday instead - a day for positive change and a chance to remind ourselves of all the things that are good in life."

Here are 10 tips from Action For Happiness:

If you'd like to get behind HuffPost UK Lifestyle's campaign to redefine January as a time for wellbeing, growth and happiness - rather than detox, restriction and subtraction - please tweet this using the hashtag #SayNoToJan

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