Add Enemies On Facebook With EnemyGraph

Add Enemies On Facebook With EnemyGraph

In the Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

Now you can take the Chinese military general's ancient advice into the social media age with EnemyGraph on Facebook.

EnemyGraph allows you to add a list of enemies on Facebook, much as you would add friends, for the whole Facebook community to see.

Hate an ex, a rude shopkeep, an annoying brand or a particular vegetable? They're ripe for adding to this EnemyGraph.

Terry told The FW: "We’re using ‘enemy’ in the same loose way that Facebook uses ‘friends’. It really just means something you have an issue with."

Terry says that "EnemyGraph is a kind of social media blasphemy" and "a critique the social philosophy of Facebook".

Current trending enemies on the app include Rick Santorum, Tea Party Activitsts and cigarettes.

If you find yourself with enough time to devote to real enemies, remember this quote from The Godfather "Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement."

Will you add the EnemyGraph plug-in to your Facebook page? Who would you add to your enemies list?