Hate Christmas And All Things Merry? This Advent Calendar Is For You

Bah humbug! 🙄

If the thought of Christmas makes you want to punch a wall, listen up.

You can now ease the pain that accompanies repetitive Christmas music, busy shops and those unsightly festive jumpers with an anti-advent calendar.

Prezzybox is selling the woe-filled calendar for £27.99, and while the price might make you want to weep some more, there is the promise of a daily ‘misfortune cookie’ filled with grim jokes and black humour.

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Behind each window (there are 24 of them, FYI) there’s an individually-wrapped vegan black wheat pastry cookie containing a note that will undoubtedly make you snigger.

The calendar itself is black, of course, with sorrowful illustrations that wouldn’t look out of place in ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ (we’re talking reindeer skeletons, melted snowmen and skulls - so many skulls).

So if you’ve got nothing better to do in the lead up to Christmas, why not chuck £30 at this calendar, unleash your inner Scrooge and be done with it?