All Heart Acting Class

When it comes down to the geographies of it, the number one reason young people join gangs is because they don't know that they have other options.

Every now and again, someone does something for someone else and the results change a life. When you help your fellow human - because that's all we are, human - you send a ripple out into the world which eventually comes back to you and those you love. This attitude might not sit right with you, but the artists, the true believers in that is which is bigger than themselves, will always be happy. Why? Because they made someone else feel the same way.

The belief in community and equality is slowly fading. What was once a team effort is now a brutal fight to the top. Maybe I'm just cynical but people seem to be doing less and less for their fellow man (or woman, no one is sexist here).

Two people that don't fit into this new mentality are Tui Asau and Richard Cabral.

Just when I think these guys can't make me respect them any more, they go and do something so beautiful that it restores my faith our species.

ALL HEART is a free acting class in Los Angeles, aimed at people who grew up like Asau and Cabral.

Both grew up without the belief there was any other path other than that set for them by their homestead.

Then, like so many of the wonderful people they've introduced me to, they discovered acting, poetry, and every art-form in between.

'We want to let people find the light within themselves - like we did,' Richard says via the glitchy Skype connection.

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Copyright James Mooney, 2015

Classes are FREE - In The Flight Theatre @ The Complex, 6476 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles - Sundays from 8pm

At the time of publishing, there are some 1.4 million American associated to one of 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs in the United States (FBI, 2015). When it comes down to the geographies of it, the number one reason young people join gangs is because they don't know that they have other options.

ALL HEART's associates - Homeboy Industries, Anthony Gilardi & Lineage Entertainment, who will all have articles about their amazing work up here very soon - have dedicated their lives to connecting with other human beings that have shared heir struggles.

'Art brought us together,' both Asau and Cabral nod in unison.

Only then does it hit home. Asau and Cabral haven't just created a safe environment for people to express themselves.

They've started a community.

Classes are FREE - In The Flight Theatre @ The Complex, 6476 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles - Sundays from 8pm