Amanda Holden Shares The Most Amanda Holden Story Of A Naked Hot Tub Injury

“I started running across the patio, did not see there was black ice."
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Amanda Holden

If there’s one thing Amanda Holden loves, it’s an overshare, so it should come no surprise she has shared details about a naked hot tub injury she recently sustained.

Mandy regaled listeners of her Heart breakfast show with a story of how she’d slipped on black ice and hurt herself while running to a hot tub in the nude. 

She complained of being “in so much pain down one leg” to co-host Jamie Theakston on Thursday, but rather than stopping there, she detailed how that came to be. 

Mandy recalled: “At the weekend, we’re lucky enough to have a hot tub in our garden, and my husband walks down in his dressing gown, I always think I’m not going to bother with that, I’ll just run down there naked and run back in.

“You know I like being naked! But I don’t have a towel and dressing gown, I’ve got fluffy ones, so when you get out of a hot tub in a fluffy dressing gown, there’s nothing absorbing anything, and it’s really squishy inside.”

“I started running across the patio, did not see there was black ice. I mean luckily I had my hands up,” she joked. 

“I slipped, right on my bum and elbow, and I’ve got a lovely bruise! But it was right on the fleshy part of my bum, that’s why god invented bums isn’t it, because they are like the cushions. You can fall over, when you’re 50, and fall on black ice.”

Amanda added: “I’m getting to be like a proper old person, I’m telling you, all my ailments. I’m 50, you know!”

The Britain’s Got Talent judge previously told listeners of how she also loves to trampoline naked in her garden too, admitting it is “liberating and so much fun” to have “a cheeky bounce”.

But of course, that’s far from the biggest overshare from Mandy over the years – that came courtesy of her appearance on Shopping With Keith Lemon

Two words: “Pooey bollock”.

Tune in to Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden, weekdays from 6.30 – 10am.

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