Amanda Holden Admits She Once Went On A Date With Simon Cowell (But Things Didn't End Well)

'I pre-ordered a cab to come and get me at 10.30pm.'

We always thought Amanda Holden and Simon Cowell’s flirty relationship on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ was just friendly banter, but it transpires that the pair did actually once go out on a date.


Amanda dropped the bombshell during an interview with the Daily Mail, but admitted that the pair were always destined to be no more than just good friends.

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Yeah, definitely not interested.
Dave Hogan via Getty Images

But despite Simon claiming he hired Amanda for ‘BGT’ because he fancied her, she’s not having any of it.

One thing Amanda does agree with Simon about is the fact he turned her career around when her public image was at an all-time low after she was caught having an affair.

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Niki Nikolova via Getty Images

Amanda hit the front pages after her marriage of two years to ‘Coronation Street’ star Les Dennis came to an end, after her affair with ‘Men Behaving Badly’ star Neil Morrissey made the front pages in 2000.

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Keith Hewitt via Getty Images

Amanda is now happily married to Chris Hughes, although she recently admitted that her pet goldfish gets more attention these days than her husband.

“We’re both so busy,” she laughs. “It’s about trying to carve out a bit of time for us - we have to explain to the girls that they must go to bed and let us have time alone, which is hard.

“My poor husband - he’s so far down the list. He’s prioritised after the pet fish.”

Before You Go

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