14 Comics That Will Make Sense If You're Ambitious But Also Totally Lazy

Being a responsible adult is always a work in progress.

It’s impossible to “do it all” ― especially when you’re ambitious, but kind of lazy.

That’s the premise of many of the comics on the Instagram account Yeah, It’s Chill, by New York City-based artist Christine.

Christine’s alter ego “Krysteen” attempts to get through the entire process of doing laundry and folding: 

And tries to stay awake during yoga after an exhausting long work week: 

Mostly, though, she cuts herself some slack when she doesn’t fulfill small daily tasks:

The 20-something illustrator told HuffPost that Krysteen’s experiences are based on her own life, though the character is a little more dramatic and comfortable in her skin. 

“Krysteen recognizes that she can’t be perfect all the time and is OK with that,” she said. “There are so many expectations for women on how to live and be, but she knows that life isn’t that neat.”

Plus, she said, striving for the perfect life can be exhausting.

“Instead, Krysteen’s just out here living her best life!” the artist said.

Scroll down for more comics, or head to Yeah, It’s Chill to follow along.