American Boy, 11, Guilty Of Shooting Dead MaKayla Dyer, 8, In Row Over Puppies

Boy, 11, Guilty Of Shooting Dead Girl, 8, In Row Over Puppies

The juvenile who has been named by some media outlets, was found guilty of first-degree murder and will remain in custody in Tennessee until he turns 19.

His siblings - three brothers and two sisters - have been placed in the care of relatives and the State.

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The victim MaKayla Dyer

Rob Johnson, a spokesman for Tennessee’s department of children’s services, said: "Like any other child who comes into custody, he would need a thorough assessment and evaluation to determine the best placement.

"At this time, it would likely be at an intensive treatment program at one of our private providers."

According to court documents, MaKayla Dyer was shot just above the heart with a shotgun on October 3, 2015, outside her trailer home while playing with her 11-year-old sister.

The boy asked them to fetch their puppies which they refused to do. After telling them he had guns MaKayla laughed and told him that she didn't believe the guns were real.

He then got a 12-gauge shotgun and a BB gun and "then made certain the gun was loaded, cocked the hammer on the gun and shot the victim just above the heart at a downward trajectory".

The girl fell backwards, "quickly lost consciousness, and was later confirmed dead", the judge wrote.

He added: "The mother of the child knelt on the ground and picked her up, placing her child in her arms as she passed away."

The boy had previously been taken hunting by his father and grandfather and was aware of gun safety mechanisms.

The boy's great-grandparents, told media at the time they did not believe he pulled the trigger.

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