Amy Schumer's GQ Men Of The Year Awards Speech Pushes The Boundaries Even Further With X-Rated Remarks

We're never going to look at Patrick Stewart in the same way again.

Remember when Amy Schumer took the stage at the Glamour Awards and gave that 15-minute speech?

Well, we think she may have outdone herself - or at least matched her previous effort - at Tuesday (6 September) night’s GQ Men Of The Year Awards.

Amy SchumerOpen Image ModalAmy Schumer
Amy Schumer

The comedian won the Woman Of The Year prize, and wasted no time in poking fun at the proceedings, sarcastically remarking that “finally, we are celebrating men”, and it’s safe to say that from there, she took things up a notch.

Or five.

I want you guys to know that a lot of the things you hear up here tonight will just be lies, and people will try and say the right thing so that you like them or they can get more work,” she told her fellow guests. “But I want you to go home knowing that this is the truth: Patrick Stewart has come all over my tits.

“More times than even he remembers.”

As you can see in the video of the speech above, Florence Welch, who presented Amy with the accolade, just about kept it together, and the same can be said for the audience (which included the ‘Star Trek’ legend).

Amy didn’t stop there though, and continued to share more, hilarious details on her bedroom exploits.

Watch Amy’s speech above, and see all of the GQ Men Of The Year Award winners here.

Before You Go

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