Why Amy Schumer's 'Trainwreck' Is a Zeitgeist Feminist Movie

Amy Schumer's new filmperfectly captures, with equal measures of humour and poignancy, how the modern world of sex and love has become spectacularly screwed up.

Spoiler Alert: This article contains details about the plot.

I'm laughing, but I'm also crying.

Amy Schumer's new film Trainwreck perfectly captures, with equal measures of humour and poignancy, how the modern world of sex and love has become spectacularly screwed up.

The exploration of gender role reversal is hilarious. Amy is the beer-swilling girl from the city who uses men to satisfy her own sexual urges. She has sex with them, but never stays the night. She fakes sleep after orgasm to avoid having to reciprocate the pleasure. She and her colleague are so freaked out when a guy calls and asks for a second date that they assume he must be a stalker.

The men, on the other hand are the needy romantics. In one brilliant scene, the male lead character, sports doctor Aaron Conners (Bill Hader), is over-analysing Amy's responses, trying to figure out if she does actually like him. It's funny to watch guys inhabit the traditionally female ground of insecurity and confusion.

It's also an unnervingly accurate depiction of how traditional dating behaviour has been transposed, leaving both sexes disoriented and bewildered.

The rate at which gender roles are being re-invented is alarming. Twenty years ago the rise of the Ladette culture gave women permission to drink, swear and party like a man. But just two decades later we are witnessing a generation of women who want to love like a man. Cheered on by glossy magazines, they blast through the final bastion of feminism by shagging for fun. Sex is neither emotional nor romantic. Modern women are so unshackled by the morals and judgement of previous eras that sex is purely transactional.

On the one hand this represents a triumph for feminism. Men have never been slut-shamed for wanting casual sex. So why should a woman be pilloried for choosing to sleep around?

But "Trainwreck" is a warning that the pendulum is swinging too far.

The most extreme depiction of role reversal is when Amy gets drunk and decides to go home with the pretty-boy intern from her office. Offering a glimpse of what's coming next in this crazy mixed-up world of dating where women act like men and men act like women, the intern begs Amy to suck his nipples and even calls her Daddy.

The cinema audience was in hysterics. But I didn't see Amy laughing.

Entirely robbed of her femininity, she seemed to experience an epiphany.

Loving like a man might have satisfied her physically. But emotionally and spiritually, she was empty.

Perhaps we need to be careful about what we wish for as women... The chance to have as many sexual partners as we want without being judged? The freedom to initiate sex and call the shots in the bedroom? The right to treat our men like little bitches?

Because as Amy suddenly realises, sex may be a commodity, but love is not.

Orgasms are easy come, easy go. But a profound relationship with a loving partner is precious.

"Trainwreck" perfectly portrays a world where women are sex rich, but love poor.

The gender role reversal has not affected our ability to get laid. But it has dramatically impacted our chances of experiencing love.

There is a reason an unprecedented number of women are single.

In the name of feminism, we sacrificed our femininity. We are losing the art of being women. And that just isn't attractive.

"Trainwreck" perfectly illustrates how femininity has slipped off track and is hurtling out-of-control towards a catastrophic conclusion.

But the crash is not inevitable.

At the end of the movie, Amy dances for her man. This is highly symbolic. A mating ritual that's as old as time. When a woman dances for her man, she is alluring, attractive, enchanting and deeply feminine. It is not weak or submissive to dance for a man - literally or figuratively. In fact it's intensely powerful. Because when a woman is able to embody and express her feminine essence in this way, she will have her man enraptured.

Which is exactly what happens for Amy.

Certain feminist might hate how the movie ends, arguing that Amy should not have changed.

But real feminists recognise that "Trainwreck" offers up a perfect lesson: That when a woman acts like a man, she is giving away her power. And that allowing yourself to be feminine not only feels good, it unlocks the door to the only human experience that really matters - love.