Hollywood Arrives at the UK's House of Commons

It is now time for Parliamentarians to start backing more education in animal welfare in the school curriculum at home and abroad. Ignorance does no favours for companion animals or vulnerable people especially as there is now a proven link between animal and human cruelty.

The issue of the dog and cat meat, fur and leather trade is no longer under the radar and as Chinese New Year approaches, pressure for change mounts as actors and singers join the fight for change.

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It has been barely a year since I represented all the dogs and cats who suffer in this billion dollar corrupt trade by speaking at the AGPAW general meeting in the House of Commons and showed horrified MP's and Welfare Organisations evidence of the heinous cruelty that dogs and cats are subjected to.

The MP's were literally speechless to see an elixir from South Korea - a so called 'medicinal' drink in a vacuum pack made from puppies that had been plunged into boiling water and boiled into a syrup.

NoToDogMeat campaigners have delivered countless petitions to CHINESE embassies around the world and Government officials (including UK MP's) alike. The response has been mixed. Perhaps the most disappointing was the Foreign office response to our official UK petition with this public statement.

"It is a matter for the authorities in each country to introduce and enforce the necessary legislation to end the ill treatment of animals"

"In the absence of international norms, laws or agreements governing the trade and consumption of dog meat, the UK has no legal grounds to intervene or take trade measures against those countries where consumption of dog meat is regarded as normal practice"

Neither I nor the many activists who care about this issue can consider the unbelievable torture these sentient beings bear " normal practice" and this is borne out on Social media which has continued to literally storm, with regular tweetstorms on Twitter and facebook pages set up specifically to draw attention to this inappropriate trade involving horrific conditions and senseless pain.

Hollywood responded to our call to action !

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Family Guy's Lori Alan and Comedian / Film-Maker Fia Perera were the first celebrities to take to the streets in the USA to bravely marching down Hollywood Boulevard with NoToDogMeat placards. Recently Fia brought the campaign to new heights when climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. With our growing US Chapter our next stop is most definitely not just Senate but the UN.

Britain has a handful of kind actors, singers, presenters and reality stars lending their support and it is really encouraging to learn that the amazing Dame Judy Dench and singer/actor David Soul were not just speaking out against the cruelty but addressing and briefing MP's in an informal meeting at the House of Commons on January 28th.

This is particularly encouraging in light of Early Day Motion159 authored by John McDonnell inspired by veteran campaigner, Londoner Jeanne Smith

With the British elections approaching it is time for all MP's and legislators to take a formal stance on animal welfare. Once people are made aware of the details of the cat and dog meat trade where stolen diseased pets become a so called expensive 'delicacy' - it is impossible to support or ignore this trade which must end very soon.

I speak to Chinese Activists every day and know just how much they are relying on us to be their voice too against this torture and push for animal welfare laws to be created and implemented and as such we are working with them on legislative drafts.

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It is now time for Parliamentarians to start backing more education in animal welfare in the school curriculum at home and abroad. Ignorance does no favours for companion animals or vulnerable people especially as there is now a proven link between animal and human cruelty.

World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade is based in the heart of Westminster and we welcome MP's and Ministers alike to reach out to us with a united clear voice .
