Ann Widdecombe Panto: Former Minister Stars In Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

She's Behind You! Widders Stars In Panto

Ann Widdecombe might not be the only former Strictly Come Dancing contestant who's gone onto panto - but she's probably the first former minister.

Widders, fresh from declaring she has entered "a period of sustained frivolity" in her life, has made her panto debut last week playing 'Widdy in Waiting' in a production of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs at the Orchard theatre in Dartford, Kent.

Craig Revel Horwood, her former judge on Strictly is starring alongside her playing the 'Wicked Queen'.

The play, which runs into early January, has already attracted more than 25,000 ticket-buyers, it's popularity has led to an extra week being added to the show's run.

And as the Telegraph approvingly notes, she wasn't half-bad: "A professional comedienne might have put a bit more snap into her delivery, but for an absolute beginner it wasn’t bad and the audience roared their approval".

It's not the first time Widdecombe has branched out in her post-parliamentary career. The Tory politician has starred in Celebrity Fit Club, acted as agony aunt for the Guardian, and guest hosted the BBC's Have I Got News for You .