'I Am Holly' Anti-Bullying Video Captures The Chilling Fear Many Children Face Alone

Heartbreaking Anti-Bullying Video Captures Chilling Fear Many Children Face Alone

The fear experienced by victims of bullying has been captured in a heartbreaking video called I Am Holly.

The clip was made by students and teachers at Bedford High School, in Wigan, to mark Anti-Bullying Week.

At first the subject of the video, Holly, struggles to talk about what is happening to her.

"Right now I don't like anything," she says.

"I am Holly and I am scared."

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This reluctance to talk is something many parents whose children have been bullied may recognise well.

"I guess I am bullied," says Holly, before finally being able to admit:

"I am being bullied and I don't know why."

"I think of what they might do to me, how they will hurt me and one day they do," she continues.

"Everyone hates me and I feel scared alone and worthless."

A heart-wrenching scene sees Holly walking alone through the autumn leaves as the voice over states three chilling words:

"They are here."

But although Holly may feel like she's alone, she isn't. Watch the video above to see how her fellow students come to her rescue.

"Bedford High School students stand together against bullying," reads the school's statement on YouTube.

"If you are being bullied, you are not alone. Speak to an adult that you trust. "

Bridget Moss, assistant head at Bedford High School told HuffPost UK Parents: "The response we've had to the video has been overwhelmingly positive, from governors, parents and students.

"We've been showing it in special assemblies for all of the students because of it being Anti Bullying Week this week."

"We are an inclusive school. We serve a very diverse community and we've got a highly successful pastoral team.

"We have a member of staff on the corridors every hour so incidents and issues are picked up very quickly. They also reward students and keep the school a positive place.

"If there is an incident of bullying, students know they can go and see their pastoral guidance officer at the next breaktime and they'll get a listening ear and then it will be investigated."

Bedford High School students came up with the idea of focusing the video on a child learning she is not allone, as it fits in with the school's inclusive philosophy.

"We call ourselves team Bedford," Moss explains. "And we do view ourselves very much as a team. We regularly review what's in place to support our most vulnerable young people."

Students in the Year 7/8 drama club worked with video production company Northstar Digital to make the film, which was shot and edited over a week. Taking the starring role is 11-year-old Kara Mitchell.

“I wanted to be involved because this is really what some people have to go through,” said Mitchell. “They shouldn't have to. They are not alone at Bedford. We will stand together against bullying.”

Moss believes the video has helped teach students that they can come forward about incidents of bullying, including those that occur outside of school hours.

"Like all young people now, so many of our students complain about inappropriate communication on social media," she explains.

"Often things have happened over night to young people in their bedrooms when they've picked things up on their phones or tablets and that comes into school.

"We've got a duty to ensure that whatever is said between young people in their own time, - which isn't always positive and young people often seek attention online - that we are there to support them."

The advice from the Anti-Bullying Alliance to any young person who is being bullied is simple — tell someone.

Advice that Bridget Moss echoes: "It can be a friend, your parents or a teacher but if bullying is making you miserable, you must tell someone so together you can put a stop to it.

"If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to someone you can always use the Childline number or visit their website for advice.

"Bullying takes many different forms today and negative communication on social media can do a lot of harm.

"If you're being bullied in this way, you should seek help and consider limiting social media communication with those causing the damage."

Bedford High School Headteacher Helen Phillips said: "We would like to see this film used as a resource for young people across the country.

"If just one young person decides to take action against bullying as a result of watching it, then it will have served its purpose."

The Childline freephone helpline number is: 0800 1111 or you can visit: www.childline.org.uk.

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