Apple Mac Pro Mocked In Bizarre Taiwanese Next Media Animation News Report (VIDEO)

Apple Mac Pro Mocked In Bizarre Taiwanese News Report

With its 'rubbish bin' looks, Apple's new Mac Pro computer is clearly a very mockable device, from a certain point of view.

On the other hand, given its ridiculous power, beautiful design and unique form factor, it's hard to say it's not a desirable one too.

Except in Taiwan, apparently. The venerable Next Media Animation company, famed for its humorous and poorly animated 3D news reports, has produced a video about the Mac Pro's release which sits very neatly on the border between bizarre, and actually nonsensical.

The clip, which has to be seen to be believed - or understood - features a very obese Mac fan slobbering over the new computer, before attempting to use it in a number of other capacities (a bin, a coffee cup, and a way to bowl over small children).

It's not quite clear why he doesn't just use it like a computer, as is intended. But either way it's actually a fairly funny clip. Take a look, above.