Steve Jobs Imagined 'Magic Wand' For Apple TV 2

Is A 'Magic Wand' Apple's Answer To The TV Conundrum?

Before he died in 2011 Steve Jobs famously told a reporter that he had "cracked" the magic formula for a next-generation TV. Unless he didn't, that is.

Either way, Apple is yet to unveil its next big play for the living room, even as its rivals continue to launch new products -- from Google's Chromecast and purported Android TV, to Amazon's Fire TV announced last week.

Now, thanks to the same court case which just gave us a look at Apple's strategy for the next iPhone we have a glimpse at what Jobs had it mind.

The 2010 email from Jobs lists potential ideas for an Apple TV 2, which include apps, a browser and a "magic wand".

Now, we have no idea on what that wand could look like. Presumably it's not quite the same as the already-existing Magic Wands you can buy to control your set... Perhaps it's motion controls via a remote, a camera or even from Siri? But it's an interesting glimpse at Apple's mindset. And with a new TV device rumoured to be on its way from the company, we could find out soon if it ever came to anything.

If you have an interest in Apple, the email itself is worth reading in full. It also goes into ideas for a "new" iPhone 4 "plus" to stay ahead of the competition mid-product cycle.