Are You Buying For The Adults In Your Family This Christmas?

Are You Buying For The Adults In Your Family This Christmas?

Here's an idea that seems to be gathering steam online - but will you be applying it to your family Christmas this year?

In a nutshell, the idea is that you all agree to only buy gifts for the children in your family, and not the adults. So no more socks for your brother in law, or multipack of smellies from your cousin. Just toys for the kids and good cheer for everyone else. It's simplifying Christmas and saving money and time for everyone.

The idea is being driven by Martin Lewis of the Money Saving Expert Website, who's encouraging us to sign a Pre-Christmas NUPP (No Uneccessary Present Pact).

But to make it work, everyone in the family needs to agree.

The sentiments behind this are a combination of the fact that many of us have less to spend this year, but already have too much stuff cluttering up our homes. Christmas seems to have become more commercialised than ever, and adults are probably better off choosing their own stuff than buying pointless gifts that may not be appreciated.

Another variation on this theme is to scale down adult presents, and agree to spend no more than £5 or £10 per person. Or some families draw names out of a hat, so that each only buys for one person, but spends a bit more on them. This site is a good way to organise a group Secret Santa. Another option would to agree to send only charity gifts such as these, but I think you have to tread carefully with this option as people have wildly different priorities when it comes to the charities they support.

Either way, if you want to introduce one of these schemes to your family, now is the time to do it. Even if you're not an early shopper, many people are, and will already have started their festive spending. Martin Lewis suggests you send an email like this one to make your intentions clear to your family.

What do you think? Should we stop buying adult Christmas presents? Would you miss having gifts to unwrap? Have Christmas presents become too much pressure?