Asda Parking: Christmas Shopper Leaves Peugeot In Trolley Bay Of Nuneaton Store (PICTURE)

Apparently Parking Spaces Are Running Out At Asda

They say its shopping chaos out there. We wouldn't know as we're beavering away, giving you something to read while you're in a two-mile queue at the tills.

But thanks to Twitter, we've learned one frazzled shopper has caused something of a ruckus at a Nuneaton branch of Asda.

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A snap of a Peugeot parked inside a trolley bay is currently doing the rounds and causing much mirth, well, at least among those who aren't bayoneting their way through the hordes in a last-ditch attempt to source free-range tinned peaches.

Don't be getting any ideas now...or if you do, perhaps limit yourself to leaving snide notes on windscreens like this lot did...

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