Asthma And Flu Can Be 'Lethal Combination' As This Man Discovered

Adam Blackman, who ended up in a coma, said: "I would urge everyone to get the flu vaccine, so they don’t have to go through the hell I’ve been through."

A man who was left in a coma after flu triggered a life-threatening asthma attack is warning others that the two conditions can be a dangerous mix this winter.

Adam Blackman, 47 from East Sussex, spent over a month in hospital after the flu triggered an asthma attack in February this year.

Shortly after being hospitalised he was put into a coma for a week after suffering complications including pneumonia and a collapsed lung.

Adam BlackmanOpen Image ModalAdam Blackman
Adam Blackman / Asthma UK
Adam Blackman

He is sharing his traumatic experience in a bid to urge others to get the flu vaccine as soon as possible.

The charity Asthma UK estimates flu could be deadly for an estimated 4 million people if they get the flu this winter – and the vaccine is the best way to protect against it. 

Flu and colds are top triggers for people with asthma, with the latest figures showing 83% of children and 74% of adults say it triggers their asthma.

The illness circulates every winter and generally peaks in December and January. The NHS advises people to get the flu jab before then.

Blackman said: “I learnt the hard way that the flu can be life-threatening after it triggered a near fatal asthma attack.”

Recalling the series of unfortunate events, he said his wife had returned home from work and found him unable to breathe. “It felt like someone had their hands around my throat,” he said. “It was terrifying.”

His wife dialled 999 and Blackman was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. He said the rest “is a bit of blur”.

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Adam Blackman / Asthma UK
Adam Blackman

“I was hooked up to a life support machine and put in isolation so that the flu wouldn’t spread,” he said. 

“It was nearly catastrophic for me, but my friends and family were also at risk. My brother-in-law who has asthma got ill shortly afterwards and ended up in hospital too.

“Given how contagious flu can be I would urge everyone to get the flu vaccine, so they don’t have to go through the hell I’ve been through.

“I’m not risking it again and have already got the flu vaccine. I am urging everyone with asthma to get it as soon as possible, it could save your life.”

Only half of people with chronic respiratory disease, including asthma, received their free flu vaccine last winter, according to Asthma UK. Dr Andy Whittamore, clinical lead for the charity and a practicing GP, said asthma and flu can be “a potentially lethal combination” and that the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent someone falling ill. 

The flu vaccine is available free of charge to anyone with asthma who has been using a preventer medicine, needed a course of oral or systemic steroids, or had a previous hospital admission because of their asthma.

Those who are not eligible for the vaccine should discuss it with their GP so they can be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

You can get the flu vaccine from a local pharmacist, as well as your GP surgery. High street pharmacies like Boots and Superdrug also offer the flu vaccine, where it costs £12.99 and £9.99 respectively. 

It can take up to two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective, so people with asthma are being urged to get their jab as soon as possible. 

This year’s flu vaccine is being offered to all primary school children free of charge.

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