Let's not go forgetting the matter of underwear this season - lace and silk just got a whole lot more seductive. And any trend THIS sexy-making is something we want to be dipping our toes in. So, the rules of Autumn/Winter lingerie are...
1. Do not, I repeat do not wear with anything of the fleece variety. Dressing gowns are out as are onesies.
2. Invest in a negligee (a silky satin chemise) like those Marc Jacobs sent down the runway for Louis Vuitton. Let a strap fall innocently off the shoulder, you are SO provocative.
3. Sex things up with a silk sleeping mask. Not that you'll be sleeping much in this trend but a gal needs accessories beyond a tiny clutch.
4. Hair is greasy and unkept. Bed-head has never been so relative. Be filthy.
5. Opt for small paisley print styles - you're dainty, you're delicate except you're REALLY not...mix it up. Seduce your lover, you're Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction.
6. Fake it with fur. An oversized faux fur coat will complete your dress-up by adding more allure than you can shake a stick at.
Treat yourself to some of these slinky pieces, go ahead get sexy with the season change...