A wall previously daubed by graffiti artist Banksy has been re-painted with an image of the Queen as diamond jubilee celebrations take hold of Bristol.
In October last year the popular Banksy work was vandalised in an apparent attack by rivals.
The stencil in, featuring a boy creeping up behind a sniper with a paper bag in his hands, was covered in black paint and graffiti tags.

Banksy's Queen?
Then in February a new stencil appeared showing David Cameron and Boris Johnson as rioters.
Now a black and white image of the Queen has appeared, complete with a blue and red David Bowie-style lightning flash painted across her face.
It is not known who did the painting, or if it has anything to do with urban art festival Upfest, which is also taking place in the city this weekend.
It is the latest artwork to adorn the wall next to Bristol charity the Grand Appeal, which raises money for the Children's Hospital.
In July last year a Banksy mural on the side of a former Eastville social club was painted over during works to turn it into a Muslim cultural centre.
The Gorilla in a Pink Mask in Fishponds Road was painted over by Saeed Ahmed who had never heard of Banksy. It was later restored.
In June 2009 two other popular works in the city were vandalised within hours of each other.
The Mild Mild West mural in Stokes Croft and the Park Street work featuring a naked man hanging from a windowsill, were attacked with a paint-gun. Efforts were made to remove the paint but tell-tale signs remain.