Barack Obama Remembers Iconic Director John Singleton

"He opened doors for filmmakers of color to tell powerful stories that have been too often ignored,” the former president wrote.

Renowned director John Singleton died Monday at the age of 51, prompting a flood of condolences and tributes from across Hollywood ― and beyond.

On Tuesday, former president Barack Obama tweeted out a remembrance of his own, recalling Singleton’s trailblazing 1991 classic, “Boyz N the Hood,” as “one of the most searing, loving portrayals of the challenges facing inner-city youth.

“He opened doors for filmmakers of color to tell powerful stories that have been too often ignored,” Obama wrote.

The critically acclaimed film was nominated for two Oscars, including for John Singleton for best director. Singleton, who was 24 at the time, became both the youngest and the first African American person to be nominated for the award.