Barcelona Train Crash: 54 Injured After Commuter Train Crashes At Francia Station

Five people left seriously hurt by incident.

More than 50 people have been injured, one of them seriously, in a train crash in Barcelona, emergency services have reported. 

The commuter train crashed into a railway buffer in the Spanish city’s Francia station during rush hour this morning.  

At least 20 of the 54 people injured, including the driver, were taken to hospital for treatment, officials in Barcelona said on Twitter. 

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54 people have been left injured after a train crash in Barcelona
Courtesy of Felix Rios /via REUTERS
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Emergency services help those injured in the crash
JOSEP LAGO via Getty Images
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A tarp covers the damaged front end of the crashed commuter train
JOSEP LAGO via Getty Images

Other passengers were treated by medics on the platform, Reuters reported.

No deaths have been reported. Emergency officials had previously said that five passengers had been seriously injured in the crash. 

It is believed that the accident happened around 7.15 am, with the train coming from Sant Vicenc de Calders village in the province of Tarragona. 

Territory ad sustainability minister Josep Rull told local media that he had been able to speak to the engineer, who is in shock. 

According to the politician, “fortunately” the train had not entered the station at high speed and was already slowing down when the impact occurred.

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Emergency service workers and train crew at the scene of the crash
JOSEP LAGO via Getty Images
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Medics rush injured passengers to waiting ambulances
JOSEP LAGO via Getty Images

One passenger told reporters that many of those most injured in the crash were stood waiting to exit the train at the end of their journey. 

Another, named Lidia, told  told La Vanguardia newspaper in Spanish that the moment of impact felt like “an earthquake”. 

“People were swaying back and forth and colliding into each other. Many people fell to the ground because people were standing up and I saw several people with cuts to the head and face from the blows they suffered when they fell.” 

The force of the crash crumpled the front of the train against the buffer and detached a sheet of metal. 

The cause of the accident is not currently known. An investigation into the incident has been launched. 

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