Barista Bot: Robot Can Draw Your Face In A Cup Of Coffee (VIDEO)

'Barista Bot' Can Draw Your Face In A Cup Of Coffee

You know that annoying thing at popular coffee chains where they ask your name and then write it - usually misspelled - on the side of your mocha?

That could be about to get a whole lot cuter.

'Barista Bot' is a concept robot developed for the SXSW festival in Texas which can take your picture and draw your face on the foam of a frothy coffee.

The bot uses a jet of coffee as 'ink' and reproduces a photo in the drink.

No, it's not fast. And no, it's not actually very good at drawing. But in a way that just makes it even cuter.

Engadget took a close up view of the machine at work - check their report out here.

It's the work of Hypersonic, RockPaperRobot, Jamie Zigelbaum, and Kyle McDonald. Take a look, above.