Barry's Bootcamp Master Trainer Anya Lahiri On Falling In Love With HIIT And Never Counting Calories

'I need the high endorphin rush of the sprints.'
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There’s nothing Anya Lahiri loves more than a high intensity, sweat-inducing, body-pumping workout

The former model started as a Barry’s Bootcamp client 10 years ago and completely fell in love with the style of exercise.

She worked in LA as a trainer for the brand and helped launch the first ever location in London. Now, as master trainer and Nike NTC elite trainer, Lahiri says she likes to push people “hard to their limits” when it comes to their workouts.

Barry’s Bootcamp classes combine running intervals with weighted and body weight resistance on the floor in a night club environment. 

“Your body is continually shocked as no class is ever the same and the high intensity intervals make it a huge calorie burner,” said Lahiri.

We caught up with the fitness fiend to chat about her training, what she eats in a week and how she manages to find time to relax.

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Training 💪

Talk us through your week in fitness.

“I am a creature of habit when it comes to exercise and that’s because I have tried everything and nothing compares to my favourite class - Barry’s Bootcamp.

“The mix of resistance and weighted work on the floor and the high intensity intervals sees results really fast and the studio is an incredibly motivating environment.

“I try and do at least four to five classes a week and as every day works a different body part, I never have to take a break.”

What’s your favourite type of workout and why?

“100% HIIT training. I need the high endorphin rush of the sprints and nothing compares to that.”

Do you have rest days?

“I do take rest days. Since giving birth, I have learned to listen to my body more and take a break when I feel really fatigued.

“Having said that, I say I rest, but my days off tend to be spent walking my incredibly active border collie with my baby and husband.”

Food 🍳

What do you eat throughout the week to complement your training schedule?

“A lot of fish! I need to get protein in and as I don’t eat meat, so I tend to eat a lot of salmon and white fish.

“Fish and grilled vegetables is a go-to in our house, but we are also sushi fiends.”

What are your pre and post-workout snacks?

“I tend to workout in the morning if I can, so I usually have oats for energy. Post-class I will always get in a protein shake.

“I have noticed a huge change in my body since I started making sure I have a protein shake after lifting weights, I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned about food?

“Diets are a waste of time. I spent years modelling and panicking about food and having to lose weight fast for shoots.

“I do a workout like Barry’s so I can enjoy my food and not have to calorie count.”

Motivation 🙌

Do you have a motivational mantra that keeps you going?

“No motivational mantras as such but I always try and focus on the finish line and visualisation of that helps me through the tough bits.”

Do you always have goals you are aiming for?

“I don’t have specific body goals but definitely fitness goals. I underestimated what a blow pregnancy and an unplanned caesarean section would have on my fitness and strength.

“A year later, I am still not quite back to my former glory but that is a goal that is in sight. I am sure as soon as I can reach the speeds on the treadmill that I used to hit I will have set myself a new goal, that’s how I roll. I am still aiming for that sub-40 minutes 10k… it WILL happen.”

What’s your ultimate workout track and why?

“Any Red Hot Chilli Peppers remixes get me flying on the treadmill.”

Fit Fix’ is a weekly dose of fitspiration from leading athletes and fitness fanatics. Each week, we chat to stars about their weekly workouts, the food they eat and what keeps them going.  

Barry’s Bootcamp has two London studios, Barry’s Central (Euston) and Barry’s East (Finsbury Square). Barry’s West will open on Queensway in Spring 2017.