Natural Tips to Look Great in Your Bikini

You have booked your flights, got your travel money and been summer clothes shopping but why are you feeling anxious about the trip you have been planning all year? The answer to this can usually be answered in one word. Bikini. After embracing the 'layering' fashion all winter, our bodies may not feel ready to be exposed in a little two piece swimsuit.

You have booked your flights, got your travel money and been summer clothes shopping but why are you feeling anxious about the trip you have been planning all year? The answer to this can usually be answered in one word. Bikini. After embracing the 'layering' fashion all winter, our bodies may not feel ready to be exposed in a little two piece swimsuit.

Follow these tips over the next few weeks and by the time your holiday is here you will look and feel great and be ready for the debut of your bikini.


Regular Yogi's will know that Yoga really is the secret to looking and feeling great. Many celebrities thank their slim yet curvy figures to regular practice. The combination of postures and movements promote strength and suppleness meaning a leaner, firmer body. So, why not contact your local gym or Yoga centre and ask about Yoga? As well as being great for your mind and spirit, it can bring you one step closer to achieving the body you want and fitting in to that bikini.


We aren't all the same size and shape and however much exercise and healthy eating we do, we never will be. Although it is great to make a plan to be healthier and happier, the most important part of looking great in your bikini is confidence. We all know people who are not conventional beauties but radiate an inner confidence which makes them very attractive. To boost your inner confidence, try this NLP technique.

First take a look at yourself in the mirror. Have a look at your whole body. What happens? Do you instantly start criticising yourself and picking at your 'imperfections'? If so, take a pen and paper now and write down every negative thought or feeling you have about your body. Then, write at the bottom of the piece of paper 'I let go of this negative self image'. Then throw the piece of paper away. Rip it up and literally throw it in a bin so it is out of sight. Then, get a fresh piece of paper, write down everything that is good about your body. Even if it is small parts like your eyelashes or ears, write it down. However hard it may be, aim for 10 'likes' (if you really struggle get a friend or partner to help you). Then read those over again twice more. Next, look in to the mirror and say to yourself 3 times 'I love and accept who I am'. Even of you don't believe it at first, keep saying it (you are tricking your brain in to believing it!).


The word 'antioxidants' is everywhere at the moment. It really is the new health buzz word but are you still wondering what it means and how it can help you? Antioxidants are nutrients found in some food which help to prevent or slow down damage from free radicals in our body. Free radicals can be caused by pollution, poor food choices, alcohol, smoking, too much sun, stress and all the things you know are bad for you. These baddies can cause many internal health problems as well as external issues such as cellulite. However, eating foods high in antioxidants can help to neutralise and reduce this free radical damage and therefore reduce cellulite and improve your health so you look and feel great in even the tiniest of bikinis. Some foods high in antioxidants are berries, green leafy vegetables, walnuts and oats.


Regular exercise and massage are the best way to tone up the body and improve skin tone. The same principles apply to the face. The more often we exercise the muscles, the more toned they become and the firmer and tighter the skin attached to these muscles become. By massaging the face we can increase circulation, remove toxins and increase the collagen and elastin. The result? A younger, healthier appearance and a face which looks as fabulous as your body. Face Yoga should be practiced for 20 minutes a day, 6 times a week for best results. If you are pushed for time, just a few techniques daily can quickly relieve tension, headaches and smooth lines and wrinkles. Visit for Face Yoga wall charts and CD's. Start now and practice over the next few weeks so your face looks fresh and youthful on the beach this year.


Next time you are popping into your local pharmacy or beauty store, pick up a body brush. Studies show that brushing your skin, before a bath or shower, can increase circulation, skin tone and boost energy. Doing this 3 times a week can help to shift the toxins which cause cellulite or poor skin tone. Start from the soles of the feet and always work towards the heart, paying particular attention to the bottom and thighs.

Lastly, remember to smile, stand tall and wear a bikini which makes you feel your best. Happy summer holidays.