Mum Demanding Answers After Two-Year-Old Returns From Nursery With Cornrow Plait Removed From Head

No One Can Explain Why This Toddler Returned From Nursery With A Cornrow Removed

A frustrated mother is demanding answers after her two-year-old daughter returned from nursery with one of her cornrow plaits removed.

Shantal Wallen from Birmingham said her daughter, Malaya, returned from nursery with one of her plaits placed in an envelope, but nursery staff at Erdington’s Little Ripley Nursery are unable to explain how it came to be removed from her head.

Wallen told ITV News: "When I found out, I was really worried that someone had tampered with my daughter’s hair.

"The hair is not easy to pull out, yet it has been removed so cleanly. It’s almost as if it has been waxed."

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Shantal Wallen and Malaya with the cornrow

Wallen was then called into the nursery on 17 August to discuss the incident.

Wallen said the only way the plait would have dropped out is if Malaya had a medical condition and even if she did, her hair would come out in patches.

She took Malaya to the doctors, who confirmed she has no related medical condition.

However, Wallen said staff at the nursery have still offered her no explanation as to what happened.

Wallen has since decided to remove her daughter from the nursery, even though Malaya has been there since she was nine months old.

A nursery spokesperson said, according to ITV: "This is highly confidential and there will be no comment.

"Procedure has been followed and everything is complete. That is all I can say."