Black Coffee Gives Fan Best Birthday Gift Ever After Agreeing To Record With Her

Black Coffee Tweeted back at a fan and immediately started making plans following her request to record with him.
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DJ Black Coffee made a fellow musician fan Yoza Mnyanda's birthday wish come true when he agreed to record with her.

University of Cape Town cinematography graduate and part-time musician Mnyanda tweeted a video of herself performing her own song "Save you From Me" on University of Cape Town's campus. She retweeted it and this time asked Black Coffee how many retweets of her video she would need for him to agree to record with her.

@RealBlackCoffee how many RT's do I need for you to make a song with me? It's also my birthday today. 😊👑🙂

— 23. (@YozaMnyanda) February 23, 2017

He replied with "let's do it" and in a separate tweet began making arrangements to set up a studio to record the following day when he would be in Cape Town. Mnyanda said on Friday morning that she felt excited and that the reality hadn't quite sunk in yet.

Mnyanda said that the idea came about that morning when she was listening to Black Coffee's song on the radio and jokingly asked her boyfriend what he would think if she asked Black Coffee to record with he. She said he encouraged her, saying: "You never know". She said she was completely blown away by Black Coffee's response.

Twitter was abuzz with praise for Black Coffee.

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