Blackshades Arrests See 97 People Across The World Detained Over Webcam Spy Scam

Global Arrests Made In 'Webcam Spying' Malware Scam

Half a million computers are said to have been affected by the 'Blackshades Remote Access Tool' since 2010.

Koen Hermans, a Netherlands official in Eurojust, the European Union's criminal investigation coordination unit, said: "This case is a strong reminder that no one is safe while using the Internet.

"It should serve as a warning and deterrent to those involved in the manufacture and use of this software."

The malware, known as 'RAT' by its users has generated $350,000. One of its developers, a 24-year-old Swedish man is one of those arrested.

The software proved popular in the murky underworld of the internet as it is relatively cheap, typically selling for only £23.

The software infects computers usually when a user has clicked on a malicious link.

As well as taking photos, BlackShades can also be used to encrypt a user's data and held for a ransom.

The worldwide operation, co-ordinated by the FBI involved over 300 properties around the globe and led to the seizure of over 1,000 data storage units.

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