Blind Sheep Dog Uses Only Ears And Nose To Move Cattle

Kit is completely blind.
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Dr. Chris Brown Facebook
Being blind doesn't stop sheep dog Kit.

Kit the sheep dog seems just like any other doggo dedicated to his duty to organise cattle.

That is, until you learn that Kit is completely blind.

Competing in a sheep dog trial, Kit uses just his eyes and nose to detect where the sheep are and where to move them. Each day he manages over 200 sheep and goats on his home farm in Northern Spain and he really seems to know how to whip them into shape.

Dr. Chris Brown explained on Facebook that Kit lost his sight as a young pup and therefore, has developed hearing and smelling capabilities well beyond the strength of a normal doggo.

Brown also said that Kit placed fifth in the sheep dog trial, beating some of his sight-enabled competitors.

"You see, by losing his sight at a young age, Kit's other senses have become heightened allowing him to effectively 'see' the farm animals using his nose and ears," Brown explains in the post.

"Combine that with a strong herding instinct and Kit is one truly skillful and inspiring pup determined to continue doing what he loves..."

It seems animals just like Kit have a remarkable ability to overcome challenges to keep on keeping on. Well done Kit, you good little doggo.