Blog Of The Week: Missy B And Family

Blog Of The Week: Missy B And Family

Missy B and Family

There are as many different reasons for starting a blog as there are blogs - but for many parents the thing that pushes them into blogging is a desire to make themselves heard.

That was certainly what inspired Marissa Bird to start her blog last summer, after four long years of fighting the authorities to try and secure a diagnosis for her eldest son, who has special needs. "The blog started as a way to express our feelings, build a support network and hopefully help other people in the same situation," says Marissa.

Missy B & Family is a fun, frank read, capturing the fun and challenges of raising five children. The blog regularly covers Marissa's eldest son, and his achievements, but also captures memories of Marissa's other children, as well as her own attempts to lose weight, and find time for herself in a busy household!

Blogging has provided Marissa with a fantastic support network of other parents of children with special needs, who often have had their own difficult experiences. "Many of my online friends have experienced similar things and relate to my posts, and they help support me during my most difficult times," she explains. "There are so many people going through this kind of experience, but don't feel comfortable talking about it. But if reading my posts helps them in some way, then that makes me so happy."

Missy B and Family

Marissa's blog sometimes captures difficult moments in family life, such as this post about miscarriage, but also captures really exciting achievements, as in this post about her son.

Because the blog sometimes deals with difficult subjects, Marissa discourages her children from reading, but her husband is fully supportive.

"I always let him read the more sensitive posts before I publish them, in case there is anything he would rather not be in them," says Marissa.
Writing a blog has given Marissa a space to vent and share experiences, whether they're good or bad. Being a part of a blogging community has also allowed Marissa to find great blogs to read, too. "I've found many amazing new blogs, and keep finding more all the time," she says. "The blog network is an amazing place."

Missy B and Family

Building up a blog audience can be challenging for new bloggers like Marissa, but using Facebook, Twitter and Tots100 has allowed Missy B & Family to steadily grow its audience. Marissa is realistic about her priorities, though.

"I don't get to blog as much as I might like because with five children and a husband to keep happy, you can't fit everything in," she says. "My youngest is only two months old, so it's something I fit in when I can, and perhaps when they're older I will have a little more time."

Marissa's Bookmarks: I have a big family so I need clothing that's great quality and good value for money. A great shop for the home, it stocks everything you need and is perfect for picking up some real bargains. A brilliant resource for keeping kids entertained. One of the first blogs I read, and is definitely one of the most inspirational. Mammy Woo deals with the subject of depression and is funny, inspirational and heartbreaking all at the same time.

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