Blogger Dad Causes Outrage By Saying He Has A Favourite Child. Refreshingly Honest Or Just Plain Wrong?

Blogger Dad Causes Outrage By Saying He Has A Favourite Child. Refreshingly Honest Or Just Plain Wrong?

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A painfully honest dad has been given a mauling online after he confessed he preferred one of his children to the other.

Buzz Bishop wrote on a blog that he has a 'favourite son' – and in a further post, said 95 per cent of parents do too, but are too scared to admit it.

But his revelations got the online critics foaming all over their keyboards, with many saying he should have kept his feelings to himself.

Buzz, a Canadian radio host and 'daddy blogger' wrote a post on the parenting website Babble, titled 'Admit It, You Have A Favorite Kid. I Do'.

"Yes, I have a favorite son and I'm not ashamed to admit it," he wrote. "I'm guessing you could look deep in the mirror and admit you have a favorite too."

He said he doesn't give his favoured child, five-year-old Zacharie, preferential treatment over his younger son Charlie, age two, but he wrote: "I don't let Zacharie get away with anything because he's my first pick, I just..yknow .. like him better.

"I admit it, my oldest son is my favorite because he can do more things. To me, he's more fun.

"I don't love either of my sons any more than the other, but I do like them differently. I'd be willing to bet you're the same."

Many parents praised Buzz for his honesty, but others were quick to condemn him.

Laurie Boyle McGeary, a mother from New York, wrote: "It's one thing for you to think it, it's another for you to say it out loud.


Their abilities will change with time and so will your 'likes,' but what won't change is you posting that you like one son over the other. Words you put in print can not be taken back.


However Sherry Telle of Alberta, Canada was supportive.

She wrote: "Everyone likes one child better at any given time, a 5 year old is easier for most men to relate to than a 2 year old. Simple as that, I don't think you can comment on who 'sucks' without knowing circumstances!"

Victoria Pattison Denault of Toronto wrote on Mr Bishop's post: "The key is not admitting it so none of the kids feel hurt and start resenting their other siblings. Announcing it in national articles and on Facebook isn't going to do your youngest any good."

Buzz admitted that the attacks had stung him.

He said: "I was more hoping for people to admit they have the feelings, and start a more sympathetic conversation. Instead, anonymous avatars admitted they share my perspective (to some degree) and then proceeded to vilify me for daring to say it publicly.

"Parents should be allowed to openly discuss their struggles with parenting without being labeled the worst person in the world."

He added: "Perhaps I'm too naive to think that my words will not be one day read by my children, but if they do read them, I trust I will have a strong relationship with my kids that they will understand the context with which I write.


I will concede that the open discussion and criticism I have received has caused me to re-evaluate the balance of time I spend with my kids. I am now consciously planning to have more one-on-one time with my younger son.


"[But] I do not regret posting it. I will continue to write about my children, I will continue to write about the ups and downs in my parenting."

What do you think?

It's better to keep things like this to yourself - a parent's role is to let a child know they are totally loved? Or it's always interesting to share these feelings with other parents?

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